Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Suddenly hilarious thoughts

I could be delirious from boredom and not having an actual conversation with anybody for weeks but still. I just amused the hell out of myself.

Just today, I went to a mosque, Hindu temple, and Sikh temple...and as I'm lying here playing mah jong because I have nothing else to do, I suddenly thought of other people I know going to these places.
These are all extremely holy sites, but all for things that many people don't know anything about. Of course a lot of people wouldn't feel inclined to visit but I just got an image of a tourist bus unloading and all these unlikely visitors hopping off with their cameras, sock and sandals, funny hats, loud American voices, etc etc. Like the cartoon version of an American tourist.
I started to giggle to myself. I don't know if it's just cause I'm a jerk or what but it was so funny out of nowhere.
You have to take your shoes off for all of these places, some you have to cover your head (men and women) and I guess there's just some people who I know wouldn't be able to feel the sacred nature of a place because it's not sacred to THEM. But if you let yourself just be there to be there you can feel the calmness of it. I'll try to post more about my visits later, because they were all very cool places.

The other thing that I suddenly realized is that I am STILL a crap teacher. I thought I'd give it a try with kids and see if I did any better than my try with adults.
I'm pretty sure several of the children just don't like me. I don't do anything very fun and I make them stop punching each other and strangling the puppy. They wander off and join different classes whenever they please, but they all do that all the time. I'm almost completely useless.
Sooo...epic fail for me, but at least if I'm going to fail, I'm doing it somewhere cool.
My win rate at mah jong is at 10% now so that never really makes me feel better. It just keeps getting worse.

I'm like a crippled 800 year old woman. My joints hurt more than they've hurt in about a decade and I'm always telling the youngins I live with to turn off the god damn lights.


  1. "Just let yourself be there"...who says you are a crap teacher?! that is one of the wisest lessons in life to my knowledge. I think you have higher expectations of yourself with the kids than might serve you. It is what it is...surrender and "just let yourself be there"; it may be just as sacred a place, probably is.
    Sounds like humidity is no friend to your knees...you desert rat!
    love you, thanks for sharing

  2. I say I'm a crap teacher obviously. I wrote it. I have no expectations other than to keep the children entertained for the short time that I'm there every day, and it's not working. If I can't get them to DO anything then it's not going to do any good and I'm out of ideas.
