Friday, March 9, 2012

Forgotten moment from the Akshardam...

I remembered this last night, and seeing as I'd tried so hard to remember it in the first place, I thought I better put it here.
If you have read about my trip to the Akshardam, you saw that we went to see the light and water show.
Before it begins, there is chanting that comes booming out of the speakers. All the lights are dimmed except those below the huge golden statue of...someone. I assume the same guy who has a huge golden statue in the inner sanctum.
It was dark and cool outside. The moon was just over the statues head, and they were doing a ritual of some sort with a flaming torch thing. I leaned over to Marianne and said "I really wish I had my camera for this!" She agreed and said she was trying to capture the image in her mind since we weren't going to have a picture of it. So I just stared at the image of the shining moon, glowing statue, and dancing fire for as long as it was there trying to burn it in to my brain for as long as possible. It was a very "auspicious" moment which would be hard to duplicate. ;)
(We have a bit of an inside joke about the word auspicious, as it is everywhere in India. So it might not be the most accurate word technically, but it is for us!)

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