Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Missing you

I'm loving the hot showers, brushing my teeth with water from the sink, fresh mountain water to drink, giant super comfy bed, catching up with friends, being able to pet dogs, etc.
But of course I ponder what I left behind.
I miss the little secret handshake that the kids at Earth Saviours taught us. And the tiny baby goat.

I miss Ravi's smile and happy greeting almost every day. And getting chai before break.

I miss hanging out and giggling with my India mommy Marianne, and my India little sis Daisy. It's not that I don't miss Terri and Jamie as well, but it was just us 3 for a while and I left them so it feels different. Good times were had all the way around.

I miss the noise and chaos.
And I miss all those sweet fellas who I want to tell you more about. They have funny little descriptions in the welcome packet, but I'm going to write my own.

I'll go in order of the picture since maybe some of you haven't memorized their names, eh?

Ashwini- He's kind of stoic and more often than not silent when he's with just us girls. He'll give input when we're saying something wrong in Hindi or answer questions, but you wouldn't call him chatty. At least not in English. He strikes me as someone I wish I could talk to more to see what he's all about. He giggles at the prank call show in the radio and one day we both sang Sheila Ki Javani in the car. It made me love him a little bit.

Lalit- Oh Lalit. He's the big brother you'd love or hate to have. Daisy can attest to that more than I but since he doesn't pick on ME at any given opportunity then I just have to assume. His signature phrase is "What!?" Why is it so hilarious is totally beyond me. We got to have a couple chats during our time together and hopefully we'll have more in the future. He reminds me of a playful puppy trying to behave himself. :) I have Daisy on a mission currently to give him a hard time since I didn't get to tell him goodbye. She needs an advantage over those picking on her for a change.

Vicky- Sweet Vicky is the first person I met and was our escort from the airport when we arrived in Delhi. He's full of information and has a sort of soothing nature for some reason. I know Marianne has enjoyed working with him as a field-worker. He was brave enough to try to learn salsa dancing and it was completely adorable.

Sunil- One of our trusty and fearless drivers. Anytime you get in a car with someone you can consider the fact that your safety is in their hands. This seems slightly more relevant in India. Not once did I feel an ounce of concern with these guys. I remember seeing Sunil on the very first day and thinking that I saw a little twinkle in his eyes. I battled with him on Holi and after that he became one of my favorites. I can tell his giggle from anywhere in the office and it makes me happy.

Kewal- Human Teddy Ruxpin. Go ahead....search it and tell me it's not true. I've heard maybe a grand total of 5 words out of him (in English, he's more talkative in Hindi) but he's never without that cute little smile. He was there at the beginning and the end as my airport driver both ways. It seems significant somehow in the universe.

Jaggi- What can I say about Jaggi...I've requested that he either adopt me or come back home with me. I want to pinch his adorable face. He helped mellow me out when I was having issues and he had his son hunt down Cheetos for me. He's a good friend from the first moment, without hesitation. He may think I'm slightly insane, but that's always part of the package with me anyway.  He made all the difference in how awesome the experience was for me. Thank you, thank you to him.

Pawan- He doesn't say much but I think he sees all. He sings while he cooks. He has beautiful eyes and I kinda wish I could read his mind. Or at least talk him in to singing to me.

Satinder- He's like a house mouse. He comes in and does all kinds of things but you don't always see him there. He doesn't say too much either but it's always cute to hear his little "hello" when he comes to the flat.

Ekraj- Mr. Smiley from Nepal. He's pure sweetness. His smile can brighten your day and luckily for the world he smiles at all times.

Suresh- Possibly the quietest of the bunch. He doesn't need to talk to impress us though, he makes amazing food! He also sings as he cooks.

I think a few of them weren't quite sure what to make of me but even so, I wish I could have gotten to know every single one of them better. Of all the things in India I miss, they take up a big portion of the list.
I TOLD them all to pack up and come back to Colorado with me but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
I hope to go back some day and drink chai with them, and learn about cricket with them, listen to them laughing, and secretly learn Hindi so I know what they are saying when they don't think anyone can understand. :)
Hopefully the Queen Bee Bela will be there next time as well! I've only seen her twice but I love her already.

1 comment:

  1. They all sound so lovely, no wonder you miss them. And, I bet they miss you as well. Your descriptions make me want to meet every one of them. I'm glad they were so kind to my sweet girl- always made me feel you were in a good space
