Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jetlag, bad tea, and other adjustments.

As I'm sitting upstairs drinking my extremely bland Prince of Wales tea, all I can hear is the sound of the heater, something rattling, and the clock ticking. I really really wanted to go sit in my car and honk randomly at anything that moved or anyone that drove past.
I'm generally not up at 6am and having toast and tea by 7, but my body has a schedule that seems to wake me up for my standard India meal times. 1pm we'd have lunch, 7pm we'd have dinner. About 12:30 and 6:15 on the dot I'm wide awake. I haven't any idea what time I fell asleep but I remember my mommy coming down and turning off my TV.  I remember thinking about eating dinner...then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ......
I'm really gonna try to stay up later tonight and not be still wearing my jammies at some point today. It was my first full day back and all but still. Jetlag is winning so far.
We sat out in the sun yesterday for a while. That was nice and crisp. The smell of wood fire has replaced the smell of trash fire. Though I'm not sure which I prefer at the moment. The wood smells awfully mountainy, which makes me think of snow, which makes me nervous.
I was also slightly nervous in DIA surrounded by white people. Sleep deprivation aside, some things don't change, even after India. They just amplify.
A run to Krishna's Market in Lafayette is in order soon. I need proper tea. And I mean just regular tea, I'm not ready to talk about chai yet.
There's about 100 other things that I'm still adjusting to but I won't bore you with all of those. Yet.
Definitely missing the energy and noisyness that is Delhi. I'm not yet fully able to appreciate the lack of black soot in my nose seeing as I've had a cold since I was flying over Russia, but I'm sure when I'm stop sneezing I'll love being able to sort of breathe again. (Altitude isn't my friend either but at least it's not gross.)
While washing my cup and plate this morning I automatically tried to avoid dripping water on the strawberries that were sitting in the dish strainer. But moments later I remembered that here in Colorado we don't have water of death. I can sprinkle it on whatever I want. Don't they say that it takes 30 days to make or lose a habit? Well...I've acquired several, so it seems.
Who would have thought one could sort of miss the faint smell of trash and urine?

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